

If you or your loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury due to an incident of medical malpractice, please contact us here at the law office of the Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Lawyer to hear how we may be able to help your case.   

Severe cases of medical malpractice can cause a traumatic brain injury.  If a medical professional makes a mistake during a treatment or procedure such as a misdiagnosis, fails to monitor a condition or a patient’s adverse reaction to medicines. Traumatic brain injuries can lead to the loss of:

Some victims of traumatic brain injuries will become permanently disabled, unable to work or support themselves.  The medical care for such individuals can cost millions of dollars over a lifetime. If your loved one’s injury was caused by medical malpractice, this care should be at not cost to your family.

Here at the law office of the Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Lawyer, our legal team has many years of experience representing clients against doctors, hospitals, nursing homes, medical centers, and even insurance companies.  As the victim of medical malpractice, you deserve compensation for your damages, medical bills, lost wages, and other relevant expenses.

If you or someone you love has been injured due to a traumatic brain injury injury, please contact our office today to speak with the Pittsburgh Medical Malpractice Lawyer about your case.